09 / May / 2017 24:17

Official: Touring Iran type of travel fashion among Europeans

EghtesadOnline: Deputy Head of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization for tourist affairs Morteza Rahmani Movahed said on Monday that improvement of international relations helped boost tourism industry in a way that it has been turned to a fashion for Europeans to tour Iran during the 11th government.

News ID: 776070

Security, quality of services and hospitality are three main characteristics of sustainable tourism industry encouraging European tourists to come to Iran, he said.

Enemies tried to minimize visit to Iran and the policy failed as US President Donald Trump’s migration law did, but some people inside the county through storming Saudi embassy harmed Iran’s interests, IRNA cited him. 

Storming Saudi embassy struck a heavy blow on Iran's pilgrim tourists and dropped the figure from the annual 1.7 million tourists to 266,000 last year, he said.

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